Big Poofs, Little Poofs, Tight Poofs and Loose Poofs
Sometimes things slow down a little and I get a chance to play, discover, learn and create. Poofs are all the rage this year so I thought why not see what it takes to make some on my own. I already had a few poof pieces in the shop so I got out my scissors, some yarn and off into creation I went.
My first endeavor was just to make a poof, not for anything or to be anything, but just to see what it took to do it and how easy would it be to mess it up. It started off great but I wanted it to be a tighter ball in the middle so as I trimmed I think I eventually went a little too far as it slowly turned into fuzzy dice - but I think I got this!
If you see a bunch of poofs around the shop, know I have been playing and having fun. I have made some earrings in different sizes (these are big loose poofs in this picture), some key chains and now I am trying to discover what else I can do. Come by the shop and check out my work and let me know what you think!
All My Love,